College is your first official step into adult life. You’re living away from home, planning your own schedule, and building relationships you’ll have for the rest of your life. Between parties and classes, the list of people you’ll meet is endless. However, nothing beats the bonds of sisterhood built through joining a sorority.
Rush parties, organizing activities with your sisters, and the all-around feeling of creating a home away from home are some of the best aspects of sorority life. Making sure you create a lasting impression on your future sisters is key to getting an invite to join. These three essential points will ensure that you stand out to the members of any sorority, helping you build those unbreakable friendships for years to come.
Don’t Be Afraid to Have Conversations!
Talking to your future sisters and co-pledges is the easiest way to make sure you leave a lasting impression on the members of the sorority you’re rushing. Making sure that you’re paying attention to the person you’re talking to while also expressing yourself is crucial. Being engaged and interested in your fellow pledges and potential future sisters is the first step to growing and nurturing these friendships.
If you treat everyone you meet like they’re already your friend, getting along with them will be extremely easy. These sweet conversations are always a sure-fire way to get recruiters to remember you.
Friendliness is crucial to any conversation, including when it comes to making connections with your future sorority sisters. Having a warm, welcoming demeanor when talking to other pledges and sisters helps them remember you. It’s always a good thing to be remembered for a positive first impression and to be seen as warm and friendly. As with any conversation, pretending to be more closed-off and snobby doesn’t get you anywhere, so the best advice we can give is to just be you!
Just like any kind of welcoming party, you’ll definitely be asked the same questions during your conversations. “Where are you from?” “What’s your major?” “Why did you choose our sorority?” You’ll answer all of these questions throughout the night. Find ways to jazz up your responses so they’re fun and interesting for every conversation. For example, don’t reply to the typical “Where are you from?” with just the name of your hometown. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Add a little tidbit about why you chose your university or what’s most exciting about leaving your hometown.
Asking questions about the person you’re talking to, things to do on campus and your college town, and about the sorority you’re pledging shows that you’re inquisitive and genuinely desire to make connections. These are all good talking points for expressing interest in the culture on your campus, but asking about the sorority’s activities shows your dedication to pledging.
Every sorority is different. Fundraisers, parties, donation drives, and sisterhood events are all just the tip of the iceberg for the fun that sorority life can bring!
Always Keep an Open Mind
Going into Rush Week
Rush week is set up so you can explore different sororities and rush the one that seems the best for you, so don’t limit your pledging to only one sorority. Beyond getting into a sorority, meeting new friends and networking with people in your pledge class is the first step to making friends in college.
Regardless of what sorority you commit to, take the time to have fun during rush week. This will help you broaden your horizons and meet new people at your college. Leave any apprehension and anxiety about rushing behind and dive right in!
Choosing one sorority to pledge may seem like a good strategy for rush week, but putting all of your time and energy into it is not the best approach. Building bonds with your fellow pledge class and possible future sisters is important. However, your chances of getting into a sorority are higher if you visit more than one house. If your goal is to secure a sorority during rush week, make sure to visit and socialize with more than one sorority.
Rumors are rumors. Most of the time, they turn out to be wrong. Whether or not a rumor you hear on campus about a particular sorority is good or bad, go out and experience each sorority before trusting the he-said-she-said talk on your campus. Regardless of what rumors are true, your comfortability and personal experience is the best indicator as to whether or not a particular sorority is right for you.
Rushing a sorority goes beyond parties and socializing. Making sure you’re up to date on any necessary info needed for your acceptance into a sorority will help you stay on top during the pledging process. Your Gamma Chi or Rho Chi is your main point of contact for helping you streamline your pledging process. Building a strong relationship with them will help you get the required info you need for pledging, while also giving you an inside scoop as to what it’s like to be in the sorority you pledge.
Stay True to Yourself and Stick to Your Own Look
The goal of rushing is to be accepted into the house. However, one of the biggest mistakes new pledges make is trying to conform to a particular look or aesthetic they assume a sorority is looking for. Changing your hair, makeup, or clothing style for a specific rush party is not a good idea. This is especially true considering the importance that your personality has on your acceptance. Being yourself is crucial to being remembered during recruitment. The more authenticity you bring to the table, the better.
Dressing comfortably but still nice can help you make a strong impression with recruiters and sorority members. Dressing well for the sorority you’d like to pledge during the recruitment stage may sound extra, but it’s definitely a sure-fire way to help recruiters remember you. Buyingshirts or sweatshirts with your sorority logo and name can also help you stand out from the rest of your pledge class.
Some universities have specific guidelines for their rush week activities. Make sure you have a firm handle on what outfits are allowed and not allowed before going out for rush activities. Certain colors or dress codes may be required for your pledge class, so staying up to date on what outfits you can and cannot wear will help you make the most out of rush week, keeping you focused on pledging your sororities instead of digging in your closet.
Rushing a sorority is all about how you’re received by the sorority and the impressions you make on them during recruitment events. Friendliness, open-mindedness, and authenticity are essential to make sure you present your best self to recruiters. The more likable and genuine you are, the more likely you’ll be selected to join your chosen sorority. So, going into rush week, remember to be conversational, don’t let anything influence your opinions on the sororities you’re considering, and always stay true to your own style. Good luck and happy pledging!