
    Alpha Omicron Pi at Auburn University

    • 5 min read

    Less than one month until Recruitment ... but who's counting? I know I am. To get you even more psyched about the new school year, I interviewed one of the sweetest girls, Caroline Dillon, to get the low down on her amazing sorority ...
    Alpha Omicron Pi at Auburn University!
    It's always the best to hear someone talk so highly about her chapter and the girls that make it up, and that's exactly what Caroline did! She talked all about AOII's philanthropy, inclusive sisterhood, and the recruitment process at Auburn!
















    stronger than arthritis


    Alpha Omicron Pi's national philanthropy is the Arthritis Foundation. AOII does a fantastic job at spreading awareness about a disease that people don't usually talk about. So many aspects of the disease, like the fact that it affects 300,000 children in the US, go unspoken. Through fundraising and events, they are able to make a real impact and educate the community around them.


    The Delta Delta chapter loves being able to support a great cause while getting to bond with their sisters. In the Spring, they throw a "Slice Out Arthritis" event to raise money and awareness forArthritis research. Anything round - cakes, pies, pizzas, cookies - is brought to the house and up for sale! Other students and community members can buy a ticket and get a slice of the action :)


    In the fall, they put on a Run for Roses 5K. In the past they have a done a color run which seems like so much fun. Alpha O is able to get students from other Greek organizations to participate and run for Arthritis research! Caroline said that this event was especially her favorite because she got to invite her family to the race her Freshman year. Being out of state, it was really awesome to be able to introduce her family to the great group of women she recently joined and show off their dedication to their philanthropy.





    Greek letters are only as strong as the group of women that represent them, and let me tell you ... AOII must be pretty dang strong. Caroline talked so highly about her incrediblesisterhood and how much they love on each other. Girls that will celebrate you, comfort you, and be there for everything in between. Basically, girls you can "do life" with. And what better way to do life than with fun sisterhood events! Caroline talked about her fav sisterhood event, renting out a bowling alley this past Spring :) Also, they have bachelor viewing parties, which might as well be a sorority staple at this point. But with popcorn, candy, and all the slumber party vibes, it's obvious why it's so popular!


    Caroline also bragged on her girls and how involved they were across campus. They have girls that are a part of Tiger Paws, Camp War Eagle, Panhellenic Cabinet, and so much more! That's what's so great about joining a diverse group of girls - everyone has different hobbies and passions. You're able to get involved in and learn about so many different aspects of campus and the community through your sisters. There's no cookie cutter AOII at Auburn, though everyone is still loved and celebrated the same!


    These girls are also really passionate about those around them and making it a better place. Caroline talked in depth about how everyone wants to make a difference at Auburn ... and how they do it together! They are able to drive one another to be the best versions of themselves and push them towards their personal goals. Strong, dedicated women who want to make an impact - we love to see it :))

    I seriously can't stress enough how incredible this Alpha O sisterhood is. It makes me want to go through college all over again!!


    gotta go alpha o


    As of July 22, there are officially 15 days until Auburn Recruitment starts ... so let's talk about it!! Caroline had so much great advice and insight about the process, as well as what sets Alpha Omicron Pi apart from the rest.


    Caroline, a junior this year, is super excited for Recruitment! She is ready to encourage the new girls through the week and keep a positive fun attitude. Coming from out of state, Caroline didn't know anything about Greek life or the many stereotypes that follow each chapter. While scary, this turned out to be a real positive during Recruitment. By being able to come in with a complete open mind, she was able to make a decision solely based on the experiences and conversations she had with the girls she met. Now, that's the goal ... basing your decision on what's in front of you and how comfortable you are. It's hard to keep the other noise out of the equation, but with the encouragement of those around you it's a little easier! So ... be positive and encourage the girls around you throughout the week! It'll make the week a little less stressful and a whole lot more enjoyable :))


    So whyAOII? Well, after talking to Caroline, (and stalking their Insta lol,) it's all about those genuine convos. When you walk into a chapter room, you want to feel at ease, like yourself, and not like you have to impress the girl across from you. Caroline described it as a "breath of fresh air," and I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. You are no longer bogged down by the pressure to put on a face and be who you think you should be. Once you are where you are meant to be, you are truly able to relax and have a fun conversation! These Alpha O sisters want to let people to be themselves and feel like they're talking to a friend during Recruitment. At the end of the day, that's what you're getting out of it - friendship!


    Caroline, thank you SO SO much for giving me a look into Alpha Omicron Pi at Auburn. It was so sweet to learn about how supportive, determined, and fun your sisters seem! I can't wait to see what amazing, diverse girls y'all bring home in less than a month :))





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