
    What if Harry Styles Thought Theta?

    • 6 min read


    What if Harry Styles joined a sorority? Just imagine all the excited sorority girls ... it would be madness. The likelihood of this happening is slim to none, but let's just dream for a sec.

    Which sorority would he be at for bid day? There's so many to choose from, but there's only one golden sorority. At Texas A&M University, these Kats took the bar to a whole other level and I'm confident when I say that I think he would attend. The reasons are endless, so let's go through them all, shall we?


    WARNING : very fun pics of Harry Styles and some cute Thetas to come.



    Love on Tour Harry

    First off, Harry has never been one to not show up in the style department. If he’s going to a themed event, he’s going all out, and staying with the color scheme of course. Pink and blues - not a problem for Mr. Styles. Take his outfit at his recent Philadelphia concert - the perfect combo of light pink and bright blue.


    (Side note, if anyone went to/is going to one of his concerts, know that I'm extremely jealous).


    Anyways ... would he rewear an outfit? No, not a chance. But we know he likes this color combo and will most definitely find a way to wear it again in College Station. High waisted pants are a given, probably a button-down, and painted nails to match of course.

    Whatever he chose to wear, just know that it'll be incredible and (probably) very bright.


    Back to Reality

    The Thetas in Aggieland already understood the assignment and came prepared.


    All the shades of blue and pink, silver glitter, pops of gold and silver- we love to see it. The ringer tees also were the perfect basic to let the accessories shine while showing off their Theta love.


    Basically, they killed it from top to bottom. The retro tee style with flashy accents already makes this a 100% Harry approved event, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to connections.


    Don't Knock the Monarch

    The next link?Butterflies. The gold butterflies on the wall, the rainbow butterfly clips, it all comes back to Mr. Styles. Because what does he have tattooed on his stomach? That's right, a giant butterfly. You could see it very well during his Las Vegas show with the hot pink sparkly vest.


    A vest, I might add, that matches the fringe skirts worn at Bid Day perfectly. This opening tour outfit also gave off intense disco vibes, another element used at Theta A&M.


    (see below for an intense amount of photos)


    Finally, the blue and pink disco ball banner fit the color scheme perfectly, and was the best excuse to add even more glitter. Disco balls, butterflies, glitter fringe, this bid day is already *chef's kiss*.




    Can I Get a Yee Haw?

    It's not just the fashion that Harry would love; it's also the atmosphere! Yes he's from England, but he has been known to add some country flair to his outfits from time to time.


    Take his recent Dallas concert, for example. He's wearing a pink and white cowboy hat that a fan threw on stage, and pulling it off incredibly.BUT, if you notice, a Theta was wearing the exact same hat for their Bid Day (picture below obvi)! If that's not a reason to extend Harry Styles a bid, I don't know what is. They're already so in sync.


    As a Texan myself, I can always appreciate a good cowboy hat, especially one with a pink star on the front.


    Okay, so we've established that he loves a good cowboy hat. Who doesn't? Mr. Styles took it one step further, though, and became buds with Kacey Musgraves, AKA a Texas queen. If you haven't seen them sing "You're Still The One" together, please leave right now and go watch. It's incredible - tears will be shed.

    Harry also loves ringer tees, which ... what a crazy coincidence ... so does Theta A&M!


    Also, don't worry about this British boy in the Texas heat, he has the best technique to stay hydrated...



    Can I Get a Yee Haw?

    It's not just the fashion that Harry would love; it's also the atmosphere! Yes he's from England, but he has been known to add some country flair to his outfits from time to time.


    Take his recent Dallas concert, for example. He's wearing a pink and white cowboy hat that a fan threw on stage, and pulling it off incredibly.BUT, if you notice, a Theta was wearing the exact same hat for their Bid Day (picture below obvi)! If that's not a reason to extend Harry Styles a bid, I don't know what is. They're already so in sync.


    As a Texan myself, I can always appreciate a good cowboy hat, especially one with a pink star on the front.


    Okay, so we've established that he loves a good cowboy hat. Who doesn't? Mr. Styles took it one step further, though, and became buds with Kacey Musgraves, AKA a Texas queen. If you haven't seen them sing "You're Still The One" together, please leave right now and go watch. It's incredible - tears will be shed.

    Harry also loves ringer tees, which ... what a crazy coincidence ... so does Theta A&M!


    Also, don't worry about this British boy in the Texas heat, he has the best technique to stay hydrated...

    Pure Gold, Baby

    The biggest and most obvious comparison to Harry Styles at this bid day was their theme, "You're So Golden." I mean, how can Harry not love an event that's centered around one of his hit songs??


    ... Just to check everyone up to speed, that phrase is from his song "Golden" on the Fine Line album. An incredible song with an even more incredible music video, if I do say so myself...


    Theta paid homage to this bop with a super cute banner, complete with blue butterflies ofc. The Golden Hour vibes were also brought with the pink sun rays in the background, making this truly the best event for the golden sorority.


    It's not just "Golden" that was referenced at Theta's bid day. "Sunflower Vol. 6", another Fine Line masterpiece, had its moment with the KAT Greek letters.


    Now ... this reference might be a stretch, but I've gone too deep now to turn back.


    Theta's Greek lawn letters were SO fun and unique I just have to talk about them. There were so many different types of flowers covering the letters, but what were the most prominent ones?

    Sunflowers, duh!

    Harry would definitely approve and take so many pics in front of these bright colored wildflower letters. I mean, just look at him singing with a giant sunflower and yellow feather boa. You can't get any more Golden than that.


    Theta, thank you for pulling off such an incredible bid day theme while incorporating Harry Styles perfectly. The whole event looked incredible and every detail y'all put in did not go unnoticed.


    From the outfits to banners to the Greek letters, y'all really went all out. Maybe Harry will never go to a sorority event, but I think we can all agree that if he did, it would be Theta at Texas A&M. By the looks of it, they definitely Treat People With Kindness.


    Thank you for letting Emerson Coast be a small part of your day with some (in our opinion) amazing multicolored ringer tees.


    Kappa Alpha Theta at Texas A&M University, we adore you.

    Check out their Insta!!! Seriously, you won't regret it :)


    Want a similar ringer tee style for your chapter? Thinking of doing a "Canyon Moon" PR moment? Ready to go all out with an "Adore You" themed big/little reveal? Have another idea in mind?


    Whatever you're thinking - we have it! Make your Harry Styles sorority dreams come true :))