
    Philanthropy Spotlight: Pi Beta Phi

    • 4 min read

    Take a closer look at Pi Beta Phi's philanthropy, Read > Lead > Achieve!


    Get all the inside info on how Pi Phi raises money for such an incredible cause!


    The Power of Reading

    The Power of Reading


            • 1in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read
            • Only 48% of children are read to every day
            • Reading to a child 15 minutes a day will expose them to 1 million words a year
          • In 2020, Pi Phi gave away more than 46,000 books nationwide
          • Through Champions are Readers, Pi Phi is able to impact thousands of children


            • 1in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read
            • Only 48% of children are read to every day
            • Reading to a child 15 minutes a day will expose them to 1 million words a year
          • In 2020, Pi Phi gave away more than 46,000 books nationwide
          • Through Champions are Readers, Pi Phi is able to impact thousands of children




    Calling all book lovers! Pi Beta Phi is dedicated to inspiring a lifelong love of reading to future generations. They believe in the power of reading, and how could you not?? Especially after learning about how impactful reading at an early age can be. Their national philanthropy, Read > Lead > Achieve, promotes reading as a tool in order to be more literate and productive in society. Since Pi Phi has chapters across the country filled with women dedicated to this goal, they are able to impact thousands of elementary aged children. Chapters go to schools in their community and volunteer their time to read to them and serve as mentors through the Champions are Readers program. Through the program, they are able to donate diverse books and help students in pre-kindergarten through third grade feel confident reading.


    One angel chapter goes above and beyond in that regard - the Oklahoma Alpha chapter at the University of Oklahoma. I talked with one of their members, Anna Kautz, and she told me how rewarding it is getting able to build relationships with these children. They volunteer dozens of hours a week at Jefferson Elementary, a local school in their community. By being able to go back to the same group of kids, these women are able to see the difference they are making first-hand and push them to shoot for the stars! And is there a better feeling than seeing a child's face light up when they reach a reading milestone? I don't think so :)


    Reading is Fun!

    Reading is Fun!


    Reading is fun, and Pi Phi wants to make that known to school across the country! And what better way to show that than a whole day dedicated to celebrating books?! That's when Read Across America comes in! This is a program that teams up with organizations, including Pi Phi, to promote children's literacy. You could say it's a match made in heaven! Sorority members dress up as popular book characters and put on fun activities for the kids all day. Another creative way to show that reading is fundamental!


    At the University of Oklahoma chapter, these Pi Phi girls love to hang out with the kids all day! They make the whole day Dr. Seuss theme and dress up as fun characters from his books! They have also put their own twist on a phrase from a famous Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the places you'll go with Pi Phi." This represents not only how reading gives the opportunity for success but also how helping their community will inspire Pi Phis after they graduate to give back.



    Arrow Pointed to Literacy

    Arrow Pointed to Literacy

    Stepping out of the classroom,Pi Beta Phistill knows how to make a difference! Chapters across the country have thought of so many creative ways to raise money for the kids. Tabling around campus, percentage nights at local restaurants, and dodgeball tournaments are just some of the events Phis put on for their philanthropy. Pie a Pi Phi is also super popular, and I can't think of a better way to relieve some semester stress than paying $5 to pie someone in the face. So it's really a win-win situation. Really, anything that'll get other students excited is all you need! Let's be real ... free food or some sort of prize is all you need to get college kids interested.


    Speaking of food, a lot of Pi Phi chapters put on one of my personal fav philanthropy events - Pizookies with Pi Phi! If you haven't had a pizookie before ... you're really not doing life right. A warm, chocolate cookie that looks like a pizza topped with ice cream and all the toppings you want. If that doesn't get other Greek organizations excited I don't know what will. These events raise sooo much money for children literacy, and either go to the Pi Phi national fund or straight to buying books for their local school. Whatever the route, the children reap the benefits from all these events.



    At the end of the day,Pi Phi is there for the kids, in and outside the classroom. They know how beneficial reading is for small kiddos and want to make a difference first-hand. Whether it's volunteering at a local school, raising money on campus, or dressing up as a Who from Whoville, these angels are promoting the power of reading!


    One child ... one moment at a time ... one life changed forever.



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